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Mes observations du ciel
et comment les réaliser

In progress

Here will be displayed files with the observations containing the photos and also the conditions of the observations, with the dates, locations, and the astro or photo equipment used.

To begin, find out what you can observe in the sky depending on your hemisphere, the season, the weather.

For the hemisphere, like the northern half here, no problem knowing it, but then you have to know your exact position and get help from a GPS. Your smartphone is sufficient for this.
You will need a weather application but not only because it is not because it is not raining that we can make celestial observations.

You need to know the cloud rate and the lunar phase, because if you travel several kilometers to get to an area far from home
and light pollution, you risk being disappointed if the sky is blocked or the full moon becomes the star of the evening
and prevents you from any observation

For light pollution, there are post-processing ways to reduce its effects on your photos,
but it is still preferable to choose dark areas, far from cities, which will allow you to see many more objects in the sky.
 light pollution maps exist. Here is a link:

For sky map applications, there are several.
The best known are Stellarium, SkySafari, Star Walk and SkyView
Some are free, others pay, I'll let you make your choice..

There are many weather applications, and here too, I'll let you choose.
For sky clarity, I use Clear Outside, a free and really practical application.
However, if this can easily tell you that heaven is  clear and you will be able to make beautiful lunar or planetary observations from your vertical, it is impossible for it to tell you that the sky will be clear at 360° (I have already had experiences that were a little spoiled by a veil cloudy on the horizon, hiding the Milky Way from me).

And don't forget to install the application for your observation system or update it before going into the field, this will save you time, especially if there is no network in the mountains

Good observations!



Photos, equipment and conditions of lunar observations


Photos, material and conditions of observations
deep sky

Soleil 14022024.jpg

Photos, equipment and conditions of solar observations

Photos, matériel et conditions des observations planétaires

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